Dance Dates and Permission Forms

Dance dates for the 2024-25 school year are to be determined.
Homecoming - Saturday,October 5, 8-11 pm! Guest Form Here
Winterfest - Saturday, January 18, 2025 , 8-11 pm Guest Form Here
Springfest - Saturday,  April 5, 2025, 8-11 pm - Guest Form Here
Prom - Saturday June 7,  2025, 8-11 - Guest Form Here 

PTHS Dance Rules

In an effort to provide a safe and respectful dance environment, the following rules are in place at all school sponsored dances:

*Couples must dance face to face and leave a space;

*All students and/or their guests must arrive in appropriate attire;

*Clothing for girls must adequately cover cleavage and their bottoms.  Dresses or shorts length should be no shorter than mid-thigh;

*No exposure of undergarments (or lack of) is allowed;

*No back to front dancing is allowed;

*No ‘grinding’ or sexually explicit dancing allowed.

Students will be issued a bracelet with their name on it when entering dances to help chaperones visually monitor dance behavior.  Bracelet removal means you will need to leave the dance, immediately.

Cost of dance ticket will not be refunded.

Students removed from a dance for inappropriate behavior will not be allowed to attend any further dances during the school year.

Please be respectful of yourself and your dance partner, and have a great time at the dance!

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